On December 16, 2021, the Ministry of Sports and the WWF France have relaunched the Charter of 15 commitments, which was initially created in 2017 following a proposal from several major international sporting events and the Ministry of Sports.
The Charter of 15 eco-responsible commitments is a voluntary system which guides event organizers, whether they already have experience or not, in taking into account societal and environmental impacts.
This ambitious initiative aims to promote environmentally friendly sport and raise awareness among those involved in sport about the preservation of nature. It mobilizes the world of sport to play an active role in protecting our planet.
To limit and measure our environmental impact:
- Commitment 1: Sustainable food: 80% of sustainable food supply;
- Commitment 2: Sustainable mobility: 90% of trips using sustainable mobility and elimination of 95% of plane journeys that can be made in less than 5 hours door to door by other means of transport;
- Commitment 3: Waste reduction: 90% reduction in single-use plastic put into circulation;
- Commitment 4: Natural sites, green spaces and biodiversity: Preserve 100% of the natural sites and green spaces concerned and 1 action program for biodiversity and environmental education;
- Commitment 5: Preservation of water and energy resources: 100% of energy and water consumption controlled and optimized
To act for a more responsible economy:
- Commitment 6: Responsible purchasing: 1 responsible purchasing policy operational across all strategic purchasing families;
- Commitment 7: Sponsoring: 80% of sponsors are involved in achieving the objectives of the Charter;
- Commitment 8: Digital footprint: 1 inventory or diagnosis carried out;
To fight against discrimination:
- Commitment 9: Contribution to a more inclusive society: 1 action program contributing to the construction of a more inclusive society;
- Commitment 10: Promotion of gender equality: 1 action program aimed at reducing gender inequalities;
- Commitment 11: Accessibility for People with Disabilities (PSH): 1 action program dedicated to people with disabilities
- Commitment 12: Solidarity cause: 1 commitment (at least) to a solidarity cause;
To inform, raise awareness and train:
- Commitment 13: Responsible management of volunteers: 1 action program dedicated to the responsible management of volunteers;
- Commitment 14: Internal mobilization of the event's eco-responsibility approach: 1 (at least) mobilization action around the issues of event eco-responsibility carried out with each internal stakeholder;
- Commitment 15: Education for sustainable development: 1 education program for sustainable development.
For more specific information on each of the commitments:
Among the signatories are organizers of major sporting events, clubs, federations, associations and renowned athletes.
The organizers of sporting events, such as the Tour de France, the Paris Marathon, the Football World Cup, the Olympic and Paralympic Games, played a key role in signing the Charter of 15 commitments.

Their motivation lies in the power of influence they have over a large audience. By adopting environmentally friendly practices, these global sporting events send a strong message and encourage spectators, participants and other organizers to follow their example.
Made in France in Breton factories from kraft and recyclable materials, Flycup packaging offers an eco-responsible solution to clubs (and performance halls too).
Used by clubs to improve the experience of their fans during matches, Flycups allow them to reduce their carbon footprint linked to the catering of their supporters. Thus, clubs can reduce their CO2e emissions by 28% compared to traditional packaging.
This ability allows them to respond to commitments no. 3 and 6 of the Charter, and consequently to increase their chances of receiving their royalties (TV rights) because as a reminder, the more clubs highlight their eco-responsible initiatives, the more they accumulate points to obtain these rights.
In summary, the adoption of innovative and eco-responsible solutions like Flycup directly contributes to the achievement of clubs' objectives in terms of eco-responsibility and the optimization of their TV rights.