Sporting events, which often bring together large crowds and result in significant resource consumption, are no exception. Organizers of sporting events have a crucial role to play in protecting the environment. Reasons why the ecological transition is of primary interest for these players in the sporting world.


The ecological transition is a concept that encompasses a set of changes and measures aimed at bringing about a profound transformation of our societies and our economies towards a model that is more respectful of the environment and natural resources.

The main objective of the ecological transition is to reduce the negative impact of our human activities on the planet and to preserve ecosystems by 2050.

In summary, it involves rethinking our lifestyles, production and consumption to achieve a balance between human well-being, environmental protection and the preservation of biodiversity. It is an opportunity to build a future that is more sustainable, more resilient and respectful of the limits of our planet.


The ecological transition is a concept that encompasses a set of changes and measures aimed at bringing about a profound transformation of our societies and our economies towards a model that is more respectful of the environment and natural resources.

The main objective of the ecological transition is to reduce the negative impact of our human activities on the planet and to preserve ecosystems by 2050.

In summary, it involves rethinking our lifestyles, production and consumption to achieve a balance between human well-being, environmental protection and the preservation of biodiversity. It is an opportunity to build a future that is more sustainable, more resilient and respectful of the limits of our planet.


  • The fight against climate change:

One of the major challenges of the ecological transition is to face the challenge of climate change. Human activities, in particular the intensive use of fossil fuels, generate greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to global warming. The ecological transition therefore aims to reduce these emissions by promoting renewable energies, energy efficiency and responsible consumption.

  • Preservation of biodiversity:

The loss of biodiversity is another crucial issue we face. Urbanization, deforestation, pollution and climate change are causing animal and plant species to disappear at an alarming rate. The ecological transition seeks to protect fragile ecosystems and preserve biological diversity.

  • Responsible management of natural resources:

We are currently exploiting Earth's natural resources at an unsustainable rate. The ecological transition aims to promote sustainable and responsible use of resources, by promoting recycling, reducing waste and rethinking our modes of production and consumption.

  • Public health and quality of life:

Air, water and soil pollution have direct consequences on human health. The ecological transition would improve the quality of air, water and food, thus helping to reduce the risk of disease and improve the quality of life of populations.

  • Creation of green jobs and a sustainable economy:

The ecological transition also offers economic opportunities by promoting the development of green jobs, linked to renewable energies, energy efficiency, waste management, etc. It encourages a circular economy that aims to reduce waste and recycle materials.

  • Social equity and environmental justice:

The ecological transition must be implemented in a fair and equitable manner for all. The most vulnerable populations are often the first affected by negative environmental consequences. A successful transition must take into account social dimensions and seek to reduce environmental inequalities.


The ecological transition presents numerous advantages for those involved in the world of sport, whether they are event organizers, professional athletes, sports clubs or sponsors and encompasses several main interests:

  • Social and environmental responsibility (CSR) of sporting events:

Organizers of sporting events play a leading role in society. They have the opportunity to raise awareness of environmental issues among a large audience. By opting for sustainable practices, they can demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment and inspire participants and the public to do the same in their daily lives (see article #24 for more details)

  • Reduction of carbon footprint:

Sporting events are often associated with massive travel of participants and spectators, which leads to significant greenhouse gas emissions, as we saw with the Football World Cup in Qatar.

By adopting eco-responsible measures, such as the use of public transport, carpooling or even carbon offsetting, organizers can significantly contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the event. For example, platforms StadiumGo carpooling and Posleigh allow supporters to adopt green behavior during matches and therefore allow clubs to reduce their ecological impact linked to sporting events.

  • Responsible waste management:

Sporting events often generate huge amounts of waste, including food wrappers, plastic bottles and damaged equipment. By implementing efficient sorting and recycling systems, organizers can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and promote a circular economy.

It is based on this observation that we have carefully developed our Flycups. Made from meticulously chosen materials to make easily recyclable packaging, Flycups allow clubs to adopt more responsible and environmentally friendly behavior. Allowing a 28% reduction in carbon emissions for clubs compared to traditional packaging distributed in refreshment bars (according to the study carried out by SAMI ), Flycups are an advantageous asset for clubs wishing to engage in a greener approach.

  • Preservation of biodiversity:

The places where sporting events take place are often sensitive natural spaces. The organizers have the responsibility to preserve the biodiversity of these fragile environments by avoiding damage, by raising participants' awareness of respect for nature and by supporting projects to preserve the local ecosystem.

Speaking of raising awareness for participants about respect for nature, we also offer the possibility of personalize our packaging and to add QR Codes that can refer, for example, to a fun activity on ecology, in the form of a game for example. These QR Codes can also link directly to the pages of club websites demonstrating their commitments to the environment, for a responsible and exemplary attitude of sports clubs. Enough to encourage supporters and other clubs to follow suit.

  • Long-term financial savings:

The ecological transition not only benefits the environment, it can also have a positive financial impact for the organizers of sporting events. By adopting eco-responsible practices, they can reduce their costs in energy, logistics and waste management, while improving their brand image and attracting new sponsors committed to sustainability.

Our range of reusable Flycups allows the clubs and performance halls with which we work to reduce their costs linked to waste management over the long term. Not only should this allow them to benefit from a more virtuous brand image, but also to reduce their carbon footprint generated by food waste by a few additional points.

  • Access to funding and subsidies:

Many institutions and governments offer funding and grants for ecological projects. Players in the world of sport engaged in the ecological transition can benefit from this financial support to implement their green initiatives.


The ecological transition for organizers of sporting events is of major interest, both environmentally, socially and economically. By adopting sustainable practices, these players in the sports world can become agents of positive change and inspire participants, spectators and others in the industry to follow the same path.

By preserving the environment, they also help to perpetuate the practice of sport in spaces preserved for future generations. It is therefore essential that all organizers of sporting events integrate the ecological transition at the heart of their strategy for a more sustainable future.

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